Business Cyber Insurance Insurance Liability Insurance

Business Insurance Checklist for New Businesses in Australia

Starting a new business can be an exciting and challenging endeavor but as a new business owner in Australia, you will have many things to consider, including finding business insurance with suitable coverage. To help you on your journey, we have compiled a checklist of coverage based on your general business needs and how insurance can protect your business.

Get liability insurance to protect your business from claims of property damage or third-party personal injurty

Liability Insurance

Cyber Liability Insurance

We live in a digital age with growing cyber threats. So Cyber Liability Insurance is becoming increasingly important, especially for businesses that store sensitive customer data or rely on technology and online platforms for their operations. The level of security may differ, but generally, Cyber Liability Insurance provides coverage for data breaches, cyber-attacks, and other online threats like hacking or data theft that can impact your business.

Public Liability Insurance

If your business interacts with or works with the public, one major insurance you’ll need is Public Liability Insurance. It provides coverage for claims against your business from property damage or third-party personal injury caused by your operations. This can be from activities at the workplace or at another location. Public liability insurance helps protect you from potential lawsuits.

Product Liability Insurance

Similar to Public Liability Insurance, product liability provides coverage for claims of property damage or third-party personal injury. The difference is instead of being a result of operations, product liability covers claims made against the products you sell or supply.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

When you provide services or advice to customers, Professional Indemnity Insurance protects your business from claims of negligence or errors and omissions in your services.

Reliance on heave equipment requires extensive breakdown and property insurance

Insurance for Properties and Assets

Commercial Property Insurance

Whether small or big business, Commercial Property Insurance is essential regardless of your industry. It covers any properties or assets used for your business operations, including infrastructure, equipment, and inventory against damage or loss due to fire, theft, vandalism, or natural disasters.

Investing in property insurance is not just about compliance or managing risk but also about ensuring the continuity and resilience of your business. By protecting your physical assets, you can mitigate the impact of unforeseen events, keeping your operations running smoothly and speeding up recovery after adverse situations.

Equipment Breakdown Insurance

You’ll want Equipment Breakdown Insurance if your business relies on machines or technological equipment. This is not typically included in standard Commercial Property Insurance but is essential for businesses in manufacturing, technology, restaurants, and any other niche that heavily depends on functional equipment.

Equipment Breakdown Insurance can cover the repair or replacement costs of equipment that breaks down unexpectedly due to causes like motor burnout, power surges, or mechanical malfunctions. Beyond covering physical damage, it often addresses business losses incurred from equipment downtime, such as lost income and extra expenses needed to expedite repairs or procure temporary replacements.

Flood Insurance

Flood Insurance may only sometimes be included in Commercial Property Insurance. However, it is still a must-have, mainly if you operate in areas prone to flooding or work in an industry where the threat of flooding can derail business operations.

Business interruption insurance has been p

Finance Insurance

Business Interruption Insurance

When business operations are disrupted, whether by fire or weather conditions, Business Interruption Insurance can help you remain financially stable by covering the loss of income and even unforeseen expenses.

Credit Insurance

Credit Insurance is a risk management tool that helps businesses protect themselves from potential losses if their customers are unable to pay their debts. It’s particularly useful for businesses offering credit to customers, providing confidence when entering new markets or dealing with larger accounts. This insurance also helps companies manage credit risk effectively and optimize credit and collection procedures, safeguarding their financial health.

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Workers’ Compensation Insurance is a mandatory insurance policy for businesses in Australia aimed at protecting employees if they become ill or injured due to their work. This type of insurance provides coverage for wages lost during the time off work, medical expenses, and rehabilitation costs needed to help the worker return to work.

The requirements and implementation of Workers’ Compensation Insurance can vary considerably across different states and territories in Australia. Differing regulatory bodies also manage worker’s compensation schemes. The State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) regulates those based in New South Wales, but WorkSafe Victoria manages insurance in Victoria.

So, before you work on finding business insurance for Workers’ Compensation, check your local regulatory office to ensure compliance.

Get your business insured

Finding business insurance doesn’t have to be complicated or stressful. At East West Insurance Brokers, we specialise in simplifying the process, helping you find the insurance coverage that best fits your business needs. Whether you’re just starting or looking to enhance your current policies, our team of dedicated Insurance Advisors is here to guide you every step of the way.

Don’t let uncertainties slow you or your business down. We’re here to help you secure your business’s future. Contact us today and get insured.

Business Cyber Insurance Insurance Liability Insurance

Requirements for Getting a Business Insurance Quote

Getting business insurance is essential, but the first step of obtaining a business insurance quote can be very demanding. This process requires you to provide extensive information about your business, not only for assessing and understanding the potential risks your business may face but also for determining the most effective protection strategies and estimating the overall cost of business insurance. But what exactly is required to get an accurate insurance quote?

1. Business Information

Provide detailed information about your business to make it easier to assess the level of risk associated with insuring your business and affects the total cost of business insurance. This generally includes the following:

  1. Business Name: The legal name of your business.
  2. Business Address: The physical location of your business.
  3. Industry Type: The industry or sector in which your business operates.
  4. Number of Employees: The total number of employees working for your business.
  5. Annual Revenue: The yearly income generated by your business.
  6. Previous Insurance Coverage: Details of your business’s previous insurance coverage (if any).
List down your business assets.

2. Assets and Inventory

Another essential piece of information you need to provide is a comprehensive list of current assets and inventory. This should include specifics about the property where your business operates, the equipment utilised in daily operations, and any other assets requiring insurance coverage. The total value of your assets is factored in the calculation of your business insurance quote and can affect what coverage is recommended which leads to the next thing that needs to be assessed.

3. Coverage Needs

Clearly outline your coverage needs when you’re looking for a business insurance quote. By understanding and clearly expressing the specific protections your business requires, you help your insurance provider create a quote that matches your business’s unique needs. This careful preparation not only leads to a more accurate assessment but also ensures that you get the best and most comprehensive coverage.

Here are some examples:

  • General Liability Insurance – protection against claims of bodily injury or property damage to third parties resulting from business operations.
  • Property Insurance – covers damage to business property and assets due to events such as fire, theft, vandalism, or natural disasters.
  • Cyber Liability Insurance – with the increasing threat of cyberattacks and data breaches, businesses need coverage to protect against losses due to hacking, data theft, or other cyber incidents.
  • Commercial Auto Insurance – if your business owns vehicles or if employees use their vehicles for work purposes, this insurance provides coverage for accidents, injuries, and property damage involving those vehicles. This can be especially useful if employees often travel for work events.
  • Product Liability Insurance – for businesses that manufacture or sell products, this coverage protects against claims of injury or damage caused by defects in those products.

If you need clarification on what other types of coverage your business will need, contact East West Insurance Brokers. We are here to help you assess your requirements and needs to find the best coverage plan.

4. Claims History

Be ready to provide detailed information about any past insurance claims your business has filed, including the nature of the claims and the amounts paid out. Your business’s claims history is a significant factor in determining the cost of your insurance premiums.

Insurance providers use this history to gauge the risk level of insuring your business. A track record of frequent or high-value claims might indicate higher risk, which could lead to increased premium costs. Accurate and comprehensive details about your claims history help the insurance company provide a fair assessment and pricing for your coverage.

Hire a professsional to perform a business risk assessment.

5. Risk Assessment

Factors such as your industry, business operations, location, and safety measures are pivotal in the risk assessment process. Providing detailed and accurate information about these aspects will help ensure that your insurance quote is accurate and tailored to your needs. Many insurance providers include risk assessment services with their policies, offering a convenient option for assessing your business risks. Alternatively, hiring a specialized risk management consultant can provide a more in-depth analysis tailored to your specific industry or business niche.

Conducting your own risk assessment is another viable strategy. Start by identifying potential hazards, vulnerabilities, and threats that could impact your business operations. Also consider external factors from economic conditions, local and global politics, as well as health and environmental issues.

 Staying informed through industry publications and news sources is crucial for anticipating and mitigating future risks. There are multiple online resources available to assist businesses in conducting self-assessments and pinpointing potential risks. Being proactive can empower you to better manage and analyse your business’s vulnerabilities.

Looking for a convenient way to get a business insurance quote?

Conducting your own risk assessment to get an estimate cost of business insurance can be time-consuming, particularly when your priority is managing day-to-day business operations. At East West Insurance Brokers, we understand the importance of your time and the complexities of navigating multiple insurance policies. Our team is dedicated to guiding you through the process and identifying the coverage that best suits your needs. Contact our team today to streamline your insurance process and ensure your business is protected.

Cyber Insurance

How to navigate rising cyber insurance premiums

Survey after survey, business executives have unanimously agreed to one thing: the risk of a cyber attack as their biggest fear. Reviewing the most recent Allianz Risk Barometer, cyber incidents and business interruption tie as the top concerns of Australian businesses, with over 40% of responses to these risks.

These results come as no surprise to cyber security experts, with cyber crimes becoming increasingly common especially since the pandemic began. At the start of Covid-19, we saw a spike in the number of ransomware attacks against businesses of all sizes. With the continuous evolution and advancement of these ransomware, they are becoming more successful in their attempts to harm organisations, costing businesses billions of dollars every year. With many of us continuing to work remotely in the endemic stage, there are no signs of cybercrimes slowing down.

According to the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC), the 2020/21 financial year saw over 67,500 cybercrime reports made via ReportCyber. In an everyday perspective, one cybercrime is reported approximately every eight minutes in Australia. That’s a staggering increase of nearly 13% from the previous financial year. The average 2017 cyber claim has risen over three times the severity of previous years, with ransomware incidents making up over 30% of claims. With cyber claims on the rise, it is no surprise that insurers are tightening their belts to accommodate the high levels of risk and cost of claims. The result of this will ultimately see the cost of premiums go up as well.

What does this mean for SME business owners?

As insurers are becoming more stringent with their requirements, it is increasingly difficult to get covered against cyber risks. You will need to show insurers that you are taking the necessary (and improved) steps to prevent a compromise to your IT systems. A previous mitigation plan may no longer apply as it could be insufficient to modern malware, and it will be tough to secure an insurer who will be willing to underwrite the risk. For bigger companies with an in-house IT department, preparing an updated mitigation plan may not be an issue. However, for small companies without a dedicated IT security team, this can prove to be a challenge.

Fortunately, there are steps that SMEs can take to meet the strict criteria set out by insurers. Mitigation is key when it comes to cyber security. The help of an experienced insurance broker can help bridge the gap and make it less complicated for small businesses to get covered. Remember, not all cyber policies offer the same level of protection. It can be challenging to determine the best insurance policy for your business. Engaging a broker will not only ease the application process, but they will also advise the steps you need to take to ensure your business continues running smoothly.

At East West Insurance Brokers, we know what the insurers are after. We’ll learn the ins and outs of your business and work with you to create a cyber security plan so you can get a fitting cyber insurance cover for your business. With hackers always at work and cyber attacks occurring more frequently, it’s best to act now before it is too late.

1800 809 132 | |

Important Note: All insurance policies have exclusions. Please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement or Policy Wording to decide whether an insurance policy meets your needs.